Monday, April 5, 2010


Yeah, I had no idea what to call this, and that seemed as appropriate as anything. This has been a busy couple of weeks! The big move, loving the new place now that I'm settled in. I am finding that even if its just running errands I am more likely to go out and do them no matter what time now that I don't have to contend with stairs.

I haven't heard anything about what I owe from the previous apartment. There is a new apartment manager in that office, and by initial impression she seems even more useless than the last. Hopefully that means I won't have to pay anything because they'll have lost all my records. She said the previous management didn't keep records of anything. I couldn't have moved out of there soon enough.

On top of moving and working I wrote a treasure hunt for my aunt's easter party. It was a lot of work! She thanked me repeatedly and the kids all had a good time. My aunt failed me on prizes. I also found some other games/puzzles for the kids that never got played. Oh well. After the party was over I refilled a few dozen eggs for frankie's kids to come hunt the next day. 11 and nearly 13 I think they're getting too old, but that's just me. As par for the course, my aunt never has the holiday on the holiday so the big treasure hunt party (she had a party bounce and hundreds of easter eggs for the little kids) so this was Saturday.

Church on Sunday seemed like it was going to be a pretty big family affair so I got up early, got dressed, and headed to First Baptist Collierville. I have disliked that church for a long time. I have problems with the way they handle things, but never so many as I did this visit. First off, my aunt told me to call her up until 10:30 and she'd tell me where to meet them. I called at 10:20, the phone rang like half a ring and cut off. She swears she didn't do that. I went in to the new church and was amazed. Its huge, with stadium seating and everything is brown and beige. Very boring. FOUR screens to catch the service on if seeing brother chuck the snake oil salesman/used car salesman for god in front of you isn't enough. It wasn't enough to disagree with non christians... everyone who is a non christian is STUPID. Those were his words. What the fuck? If that's who's going to heaven, I'll be fine in hell kthx. There is so much more to this, but needless to say I was disgusted by the time I left church, only to get to my aunt's for dinner for her to RAVE about the service!

1 comment:

Renegade said...

If God is even remotely as wise as he's portrayed, he'll pick you over the intolerant hate-preachers any day.