Friday, April 9, 2010

The Great Outdoors

I am sitting outside on the patio of my new apartment with the laptop :) Other than the terribly uncomfy chair I am in (made moreso by the weight I am carrying) its a beautiful day and I couldn't stand to stay inside. I have been using that sparkpeople app for the blackberry to help keep track of/control my eating. Keeping myself accountable the minute I put something in my mouth. Currently I am most amused by the bees that are lingering/hovering just outside the range of my patio, confused I think to see someone sitting out here.

Despite my boss' generosity in giving/lending (not sure) me these chairs, I think eventually I am going to buy something a little more permanent. The only problem would be if I move eventually where will they go. I am tempted to go out today and shop a bit on one hand. On the other hand I am so tired its all I can do to keep my eyes open, and on the bees.

But its a beautiful day, and in more amazingly good news, the icecream man came by and he's got normal icecream man music as opposed to that chimey annoying crap the one who came in the other place has.

Also, I am being stalked by a bee. It keeps hovering outside the perimeter of my patio.

I hear people outside, but because of the position of my apartment I can't really see anyone. I could in theory change my clothes and go for a walk too, around the complex, or up the road there is a wj freeman (or something like that) park. I could even take my camera and take pictures.

I kind of want to just stay home today, mainly because I have been on the road all week. My aunt's computer was broken so with a friend's help I was able to repair it. I think the running back and forth is part of what kind of did me in as far as being tired. It has nothing at all to do with me staying up too late and waking up early lol.

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