Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Such a follower

So, being a great follower of my friends, and allies and such I have gotten a formspring account, I am not sure why I felt this was necessary other than "all the other cool kids were doing it".

Also the entry dated Saturday is incomplete, but I put it on hold and forgot all the joyous extrapolation I'd planned. Maybe it will come to me later. I need to do a bit more work and planning on the blog and see how its going to continue. I have lots of thoughts. Some of them important... some of them not so much.

1 comment:

Anda said...

It's just because we have SO much fun. And we love you! So you needed to come have fun with us! <3

No, in all seriousness, spontaneous formspring parties turn out to be fun, apparently. And sometimes they involve penis questions when you don't have one. Okay, MOST times, formspring parties turn out to be fun.

And I'd read anything, if you'd write it.